RE: GNACOPS Propaganda on Licensing of Private School Teachers
Though it may not necessarily apply to those who are honored with doctoral titles, it is the general character of carriers of Doctoral titles, to research, before making conclusive decisions and more so, publications. We would all appreciate for you serve your association from a more facts-informed position than emotional and political stands. We pray that the GNAPS fraternity would have higher expectations of you, to do better than your predecessor, in whose position you are acting without any communication of reasons for which he has to be replaced by you. You asked in your write-up who mandated GNACOPS to collate data. Have you forgotten so soon that the Ministry of Education through NaCCA empowered Master Trainers to train private school teachers? When we published that the SBC training was going to be used to build a Database of Private schools, for lack of understanding of the vision, your organization published counter messages just as you are doing now, to discourage teachers from participation in the training. In return, what did GNAPS do? Ran to GES to tell them you had no capacity to train your teachers, for which reason you invited GES trainers to come to exploit private school teachers. If you had forgotten so soon, I hope your mind has been refreshed. When a proactive organization like GNACOPS speaks on issues, you shouldn’t be too quick to counteract because we operate at different altitudes which may be a bit difficult for your organization to understand. With all due respect Sir, it would be helpful if you could introspectively ask yourself these few questions;
- What really is the focus or motivation of the Executive arm of GNAPS, besides reacting to issues brought to the fore by GNACOPS, for which your administration should be identified with?
- Having assumed a new office from a Vice Chair position, was a counter message to GNACOPS’ the best possible way to introduce your new position to the Private Schools community that pays some attention to publications from GNAPS?
- If going this way could not help your predecessor to succeed in the position you are now acting in, do you honestly believe it will be helpful to you?
- Did your predecessor tell you how frustrating, it was for him to try so hard to rundown a genuine proactive organization like GNACOPS, trying so hard to fight for Private Education in Ghana?
- In any case, have you been attending Education Stakeholders engagements to which our two organizations are invited, including the NTC meeting you have referenced? Or like your predecessor, you boycott such engagements and still expects your opinions to be considered from the comfort of your home or school?
- Since when have Private School teachers been a part of GNAPS?
- Has GNAPS ever represented the interest of teachers in private schools?
- Does your organization have any data on the teachers, even in the schools of your executive members which you can readily provide without asking them to supply?
- Since the discussion on Licensing of Private School teachers came up a few years ago, what contributions and solutions has GNAPS brought to the table?
- Are you aware that a school owner’s membership of GNAPS does not in any way take away their rights to join any other Private school organizations? What are you so scared of, even with your supposed members reading GNACOPS messages?
They will know the vast difference between the beneficial services we render to private schools and your non-existent service delivery aside from demanding dues and payments? We believe it would be very helpful to put away your GNAPS prejudice against GNACOPS and learn of our vision, mission, membership composition, and core mandate. It’s only by doing that you would learn to appreciate that GNACOPS is an entirely different organization dealing with issues of Private education at a higher and far broader level than that of the Association. The next time you are pushed by forces to counteract any publication of GNACOPS’, think of the above before you act. We hope that GNAPS would be a better association under your leadership. We wish you well in your new post Adjei Kwarteng-Amaning, Greater Accra Regional Organizer – GNACOPS.